Helena Riul
Brazilian Born and Director and Writer of Before Sunrise.
The musical project VOU BANINDO – UNIÃO GAIA was born from the desire to send a message of energy with positive inspirations to all people within the pandemic, through the gathering of the most diverse voices between several countries in the world. Not only singing, but also to the instrumental and expression of body.
One of the great initial challenges would be to bring together as many possible participants within a reduced space of time, since the intention was to share the message of hope among all communities affected by the effects of the pandemic within the isolation restrictions imposed by the pandemic itself.
Another important aspect of the project, in analogy to COVID19, was to democratize invitations to a broad spectrum of age, ethnic and social representation, including between anonymous and famous.
The musical genre chosen was also fundamental to pass all this sensitivity more powerfully, since it is a mantra song.
A work produced by JULIA L. ROSENGREN ManoelFerreira Productions, LLC and UNIÃO GAIA, conceived and coordinated by Helena Riul and Julia Rosengren and edited brilliantly by Rogério Takashi, where the punctual direction of each performance is due to the commitment and personal talent of each participant. Since freedom was also a significant factor for energy to flow through everyone.
Helena Riul/ Rogerio Takashi.